View Current Openings. We are always looking to network with top talent. If you do not see an exact fit for a current role, email with your resume. Sorry agencies, we prefer to reward our employees with generous referral bonuses so we are not responsible for any fees related to unsolicited resumes. Eagle Oil & Gas Co., through predecessor and affiliate companies, has been active in the acquisition, development and exploration of oil and gas reserves for over 60 years. Eagle was founded and is controlled by the Bolin Family, who has had a well-known and respected name in the independent oil and gas business for three generations. View Larger Map. ABOUT Eagle Oil Inc. Wells Ogunquit Sanford. Springvale Alfred Lyman Some Areas Are Limited. Eagle Oil is locally owned and operated by Alan LaBrecque. Established in 2009 to serve the Arundel area. Competitively Priced Home Heating Oil and Certified K-1 Fuel. Fully Licensed and Insured. Automatic Delivery Available.